I’m Still Alive!

Hi all,

I promise I’m still alive, even though I haven’t posted in EONS. As a generally creative person, I’ve taken the last couple years doing less “composed” music and more improvised music, specifically underscoring for the productions of BARd Shakes MPLS and my own very silly podcast. Did you know that a podcast takes a lot of work to produce when you’re writing the scripts and doing all of the audio editing yourself? Yes, that’s partially why I haven’t “written” any music over the last couple years.

The podcast is currently on hiatus as well as I do other projects, the main one being running a Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Because I can never do anything halfway, I have been making my own props and maps for the game, as well as basically creating an entire fictional universe from scratch, including its entire history, legends, geopolitics, etc. I love it, but it leaves little creative energy for much else.

However. My composition chops are starting to make a comeback. I recently started writing little bits of music to play as background music for Dungeons & Dragons (I’ll get a sample up on my website soon), and I’m slowly arranging the second movement Dvorak’s “American” String Quartet for two mandolins. Those main themes just sit so nicely on the mando. I’m also looking into a collaborative project with a friend of mine… Stay tuned for more information on that if/when it happens.

I also finally got new headshots since it’s been a few years, so those will be up in a few weeks.

Finally – everything in our world right now is hard. Don’t let anyone shame you into writing your magnum opus during a pandemic. Do what you have to do, friends!

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